Monday, June 16, 2008

First Picture With An Old Camera

First picture taken with a seven-year-old 2.0 Megapixel point-and-shoot camera. Thanks Dad! It's so nice to have again a camera I can just carry in my pocket and not worry about when I take it to the pool or throw it in the picnic bag. Funny thing is, with a little photoshop action, the pictures from this camera are really pretty good. They're not professional quality, but for pool side and snapshots around the house it's a great little camera.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the face I remember! :)
I love crappy camera's and am a master of making the most out of the worst. One day I'll get a real SLR too but I sure have had fun with the low end.
Cheers! Brothah SKCampbell, TN